“酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多”的英文翻译是什么? - 知乎

admin 6个月前 (05-03) 阅读数 100 #运动吧

“酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多”的英文翻译是什么? - 知乎


  Never too many boozes with friends, never too less words of nuisance.

  Time with bosom friends, priceless.

  Time with uncongenial ones, worthless.



  Before a bosom friend, I'd like to drink to my heart's content;

  finding no one of the same mind, I will have no interest in speaking anymore.


  When I meet a crony, I'd like to drink tons of wine with him;

  But if there is a nuisance, I'll be reluctant to say just a few words.

  2. 意译:


  When I'm with a soulmate, I wish this sweet moment would never end.

  If there's no one understanding me, I will directly walk away.


  A bosom friend may make the party all the more interesting,

  but a mere nuisance may spoil the whole thing.

  3. 创译:


  East or west, a friend is best.

  这个借用那句名言习语,把home改成a friend。“话不投机”是前半句的反面,可以略去不译。


  Where is a friend, there is a lot of fun.




  Understanding makes it worthwhile to talk with a friend for hours. However, it's a waste of time to speak with anyone who does not understand you.

  Time flies faster than light when you're with a friend.

  Wine friends always drink while diffrent minds seldom talk.

  It can never be too long to talk with those who understand you, while even a syllable is a waste on those who don't.

  简略版:Words are for those who can understand.


