
admin 4个月前 (06-12) 阅读数 71 #直播吧


Phrygian caps to be the Paris 2024 Games mascots


■ 据路透社11月14日报道,巴黎奥组委当日宣布,两个可爱的红色卡通形象“弗里热”成为2024年巴黎夏季奥运会和残奥会官方吉祥物。本次奥运会吉祥物的设计灵感来自法国传统的弗里吉亚帽,两个吉祥物都有着卡通大眼睛,胸口分别戴着2024年巴黎奥运会会徽、五环标识,以及残奥会会徽、国际残奥委会的标识,它们的脚也有差别——残奥会吉祥物的右脚是黑色的“刀锋”假肢。

Phrygian caps will be the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots as organizers look to celebrate the French revolution's spirit.2024巴黎奥运会和残奥会的吉祥物将是弗里吉亚帽,主办方希望借此颂扬法国的革命精神。

"'Phryges' aim to show that sport can change everything, and that it deserves to have a prominent place in our society," Paris 2024 brand director Julie Matikhine said on Monday.巴黎奥运品牌设计总监朱莉·马斯基14日表示:“‘弗里热’象征着体育可以改变一切,它理应在我们的社会中占有重要地位。”

The Phrygian caps were favored over animals, who have mostly been the first choice in other Olympics—such as the 'Bing Dwen Dwen' panda at the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing this year.在此前多届奥运会上,动物是吉祥物的首选,例如,2022北京冬奥会吉祥物“冰墩墩”就是大熊猫。而比起动物,法国更偏爱弗里吉亚帽。

It's a symbol of revolution and freedom, of striving. It's an icon seen over centuries, from the Notre Dame Cathedral to the Eiffel Tower. 弗里吉亚帽是革命、自由、奋斗的象征。几个世纪以来,在巴黎圣母院大教堂、埃菲尔铁塔,都能看到这顶标志性的帽子。

More specifically, it's the red bonnet famously worn by Marianne, the artistic personification of the free French republic.更具体地说,这顶弗里吉亚帽是玛丽安娜头顶标志性的红色帽子。玛丽安娜是法兰西共和国的国家象征。

"The mascot must embody the French spirit... It's an ideal, a kind of conviction that carries the values of our country, and which has been built up over time, over history."“吉祥物必须体现法国精神……它是一种理想,一种信念,承载着法国随着时间历史的推移建立起来的价值观。”

The red Phrygian caps come in two versions - the Olympic and the Paralympic one - with a blade leg.红色的弗里吉亚帽有奥运会和残奥会两种版本,残奥会版“弗里热”戴着“刀锋”假肢。

As happens when a national spirit combines with the Olympic spirit, the mascots are also being packaged into nearly 10,000 types of products, from plush toys to hoodies, electronics and luggage.民族精神与奥林匹克精神相结合的同时,吉祥物也被包装成近万种产品,包括毛绒玩具、连帽衫、电子产品和行李箱等。

The Olympic Games will be held from July 26-Aug. 11 and the Paralympics from Aug. 28-Sept. 8.2024巴黎奥运会将于7月26日至8月11日举行,残奥会将于8月28日至9月8日举行。


