IJCES - The American Ceramic Society

admin 6个月前 (04-22) 阅读数 107 #NBA

IJCES - The American Ceramic Society

  Summary - Establish accounts on these services and associate your articles and reviews with them to begin your journey as a JACerS author and reviewer ORCID Web of Science ScholarOne/Manuscript Central

  Authoring and reviewing manuscripts are important for your scholarly career. We highly recommend beginning this journey by establishing your digital publishing footprint (persistent identifiers). ACerS, Wiley, and most publishers and organizations supporting scholarly publishing use persistent identifiers to connect your work (authoring and reviewing articles) to you. This is particularly important where your name is similar (or identical) to another author.

  The first step is having an ORCID persistent personal identifier. Click the ORCID account button to create or update your personal account.  As you establish and maintain your other publishing accounts, make sure to add your ORCID to those accounts.  If you have already authored or co-authored articles, you can and should add those articles to your ORCID account.

  The ACerS journals encourage you to maintain a record of your reviews on the Web of Science (WoS) Reviewer Recognition Service. Our manuscript review management software uses this service to provide a list of highly qualified referees to our editors. Click on Web of Science signup to establish or update your account with Clarivate (the owner of WoS).  Associating your ORCID with this account enables WoS to include your articles in their database of your expertise. As with your ORCID, we highly recommend associating your reviews with this account. Prior reviews can be added manually and future reviews for ACerS journals can be recorded automatically during your review.

  The IJCES manuscript submission and review processes are managed through ScholarOne/Manuscript Central. Having a complete profile on the IJCES ScholarOne site helps our editors see where you have already contributed to our journals, which enhances your prospects as a reviewer. Click the "Submit or review manuscript" button to create or revise your JACerS ScholarOne account.  Add your ORCID and use the most important keywords to describe your expertise.


